Although the Scienceconf website is now closed, you can still apply for the Atlas-AFMI best doctoral thesis award until January 31rst 2020, by sending your complete file, in .pdf format (Thesis, 2 pre-reports and the defense report) by email to :



Best Doctoral Thesis Award

For the fourth time, ATLAS-AFMI organizes the best doctoral thesis award in International Management.

Who can apply?

Eligible theses must have been defended between January 2018 and December 2019, in a French institution. Young doctors of foreign nationality may participate in this selection. Theses in English, provided that they have been defended in a French institution, are eligible.

How to apply?

Exclusively through the "Online Submission" menu link until January 31, 2020.

Candidates must send:

- A copy of the thesis, in a pdf format

- The two pre-submission reports

- The defense report

An independent scientific committee will select the best thesis. The winner will be announced at the annual ATLAS-AFMI conference in Poitiers.

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