10th Annual Conference International Management

Update COVID-19 : Organization of the Atlas-AFMI 2020 at the University of Poitiers

Dear Colleagues,

In spite of the serious health crisis we are going through, the Conference Organization/Scientific Committee and the Board of Atlas AFMI have decided to maintain - virtually - the 2020 Conference. The conference will be organized as follows.

Papers selected in the thematic workshops (n° 1 to 10) will not be presented publicly. We propose to the registered authors, only if they wish, to contact the persons in charge of the workshop which concerns them to exchange on May 19th or 20th on their communication.  These exchanges (optional) will be scheduled on May 1st at the latest and will be done remotely through Skype, Microsoft teams and/or Zoom applications (a link will be proposed).

  • The specific workshops ("Case", "Doctoral", "EIBA-IBR") will be held on 18 May from 14.00. Their remote organization will be based on the use of Skype, Microsoft teams and/or Zoom applications (a link will be proposed).
  • The plenary sessions are cancelled. The panelists of the round tables will nevertheless be able, if they wish, to present a short video to share their thoughts.
  • The proceedings of the conference will be published from 18 May on a platform to be determined. These proceedings will only be accessible to authors who have submitted a paper, a case or a doctoral project to the 2020 Conference. An access code will be sent to authors registered for the conference.
  • The AFMI Atlas thesis prize will be awarded and presented, from May 18, on the association's website.
  • The prize for the best doctoral project and the prize for the best pedagogical case will be awarded and presented, starting May 20th, on the association's website.
  • The Scientific Council will be held on May 20th from 2 pm. It will select the best papers for a special issue of the journal Management international and for a book to be published in French (Vuibert) and English (Palgrave Macmillan or Routledge).

Registration for the Conference, even if it is virtual, should be done on the association's website (https://atlasafmi2020.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/32) as soon as possible. This registration will help to identify colleagues to be contacted, if necessary, for the organization of workshops and for the delivery of the book: La recherche en Management international - Continuité et ruptures (coordinated by François Goxe, Nathalie Prime and Michaël Viegas-Pires).

The dramatic situation we are going through has invited the Conference Organization/Scientific Committee and the Board of Directors of the association to propose the following registration procedure:

Free registration is, exceptionally this year, proposed.

Colleagues who can obtain funding are nevertheless invited to pay the amount initially proposed to help Atlas AFMI cover the publication costs that will result from the conference.


Hoping that you and your loved ones are doing well, we thank you for your trust and support.

Members of the 2020 Conference Organizing/Scientific Committees

Members of the Board of Atlas AFMI


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